
Nepal govt to accept concessional loan of Rs 13.33 bn from World Bank


Kathmandu: Government of Nepal has decided to secure a concessional loan amounting to Rs 13.33 billion from the World Bank. This decision was reached during a cabinet meeting held on Wednesday, wherein it was agreed to accept a concessional loan of 100 million dollars from the World Bank.

The announcement of this decision was made public during a press conference organized at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology on May 3rd. Furthermore, the government has greenlit the participation of Attorney General Dr. Dinmani Pokharel and Deputy Attorney General Sanjeev Raj Regmi in the ‘Regional Programme for South Asia’ scheduled to take place in New Delhi on May 7th.

In addition, Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, disclosed that the Cabinet has approved the visit of Chief Election Commissioner, Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya, to India from May 4th to 9th to observe the general elections.

Moreover, a decision has been made to revise the design of the Nepali currency note with a denomination of Rs 100 by replacing the old map of Nepal in the background with a new administrative map.

Another significant decision involves the approval of the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be signed between the Supreme Court of Nepal and that of India for judicial cooperation. The MoU will be signed by the Chief Registrar or Registrars of the highest courts of both countries.

Furthermore, an MoU on the establishment of a consultative mechanism between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal and that of Spain has been endorsed, with approval given to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to sign the MoU.

Additionally, the appointment of former judge of the High Court, Shrawan Kumar Gautam, as the Chairperson of the Problematic Cooperatives Management Committee has been confirmed. Lastly, the government has decided to backtrack the National Information and Technology Development Committee (Formation) Order, 2058 BS, and has made several transfers of secretaries.

This series of decisions underscores the government’s commitment to strategic partnerships, economic development, and administrative reform.